What makes a great Twitter contributor in a corporate environment?

A good friend (Liya Sharif @lsharif) just posed the following question via Twitter…

What makes a great Twitter contributor in a corporate environment?

I quickly responded with the following…

Someone who shares information other people can actually use; not simply a report of what they are doing or have done.

This exchange got me thinking…

  • Do you agree with my response (keeping in mind I was limited to 140 characters)?
  • Do you have a better answer in under 140 characters?

I’d love to hear what you think.

Survey: Consumers smitten with smartphones

The CFI Group just released the results of their 2009 Smartphone Satisfaction Survey. The following is a link to the CNet story…


Here are some of the highlights:

  • Smartphone users are no longer just reading e-mail or scheduling appointments but also surfing the Web, streaming video and music, downloading games, and snapping pictures. Smartphones are now seen more by consumers as minicomputers than as cell phones.
  • Apple’s iPhone is credited with igniting the growth of smartphones, and it’s the clear leader of the pack. The survey found that the iPhone has the most loyalty and praise among its users, with 92 percent of iPhone owners saying they have the ideal phone. Around 90 percent have recommended the device, while 35 percent said they bought the iPhone based on word-of-mouth advice.
  • The iPhone also is tops in customer satisfaction, ranking 83 on a 100-point scale.
  • The Palm Pre and Android-based phones each scored 77 on the scale, followed by Research In Motion’s Blackberry at 73 and the Palm Treo at 70. The rest of the pack, including phones running Windows Mobile and Symbian, trailed the list with an overall grade of 66.

A revolution in leaf-blowers and other garden equipment

I just met a gentleman named Captain Bernardo J. Herzer, CEO of a LHER. Bernardo that has created a set of new “green” internal combustion engine technologies, all designed to run using propane. I love new technologies that work to improve the environment and this guy really seems to be on to something.

You might be wondering, as I was, “What can propane do for me?”

Here are some facts from the LHER website:

Why propane?

Propane is:

  • Eco Friendly
  • More Economical
  • Lower fuel cost
  • Lower maintenance cost
  • 2 hours run time on one canister
  • Easier to use/ safer to purchase and store
  • No messy mixing of gas and oil
  • No unwanted trips to the gas station
  • No gas cans to transport or store
  • Canisters are readily available
  • Zero evaporative emissions
  • Zero ozone depleting hydrocarbons
  • Non toxic to ground water and soil
  • 97% fewer particulates
  • 96% fewer carcinogens
  • Over 85% of propane used in this country is produced domestically
  • Exceeds 2011 EPA emission standards